Dating/Marriage within the Early Buddhist Community

@ERose I don’t think that I consciously had this specific sutta in mind, but this sentiment is EXACTLY what I had in mind when I wrote the comment that you responded to.

I meant it metaphorically, not in an absolute sense, exactly in the way described in the Aṅgulimāla Sutta (MN 86).

As I try to emphasize and fully integrate the study and practice of the entire Dhamma-Vinaya (DV) since they seem to go inseparably hand in hand, often I find myself trying to bring all of my ‘thought processes,’ ‘speech patterns,’ and ‘physical behaviors’ in line with Dhamma-Vinaya “as a whole” - therefore, I am not always conscious of which specific parts of the DV influenced any one specific bodily, verbal, or mental action.

I am very grateful to @Christopher for astutely sharing this discourse because I am not sure if I would have remembered which specific part of the Dhamma-Vinaya might have influenced me to respond the way I did at the moment when I made that comment.

Related to the topic of “the Dhamma-Vinaya as a whole” - I am interested in trying to figure out all the early sources that make it up, so I made another post (How to compile a list of all Early Buddhist Texts?) in order to do so. “How else can one try to practice in accordance with the entire range of the early Buddhist sources without at least some awareness of it” seems to be the reasoning and motivation for creating that post to learn from others.

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