Death contemplation

This rather cryptic response means?

So, what is your view on that?

It doesn’t look that way.

Do you know that the doctoral studies are based on narrow hypothesis and if the time of 5 years is up, you can just punt the ball for future folks? Have you done a doctorate degree yet and work for academic? Don’t you know all this thing? If not, please talk to many folks in academic. I know personally how a Ph.D. degree work.

Most of the work is done because you got pay for it & for a reason to get a degree (a recognition from others, SEE I have a degree I know more :slight_smile: ).

For example, if you are a PhD student, the professor will pay for your time to do the research with stipend (most), some also pay for their own degree. In the end, you got a PhD degree for getting other jobs that other pay you to do the job as well. It is just a cycle over and over.

Btw, Don’t worry, you will disagree with me until you know and see on your own. Since you are still relying others, it is difficult to see it YET.

So, you are not “relying others” on “how a Ph.D. degree work”. :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This rather cryptic response means? :wink:

It’s all a mystery, … how can death be right? Everybody talking about fear of death, but is fear the only feeling?, isn’t there also a great rage underlying that fear, a rage of having to die?!

Can there come anything good out of contemplating death? I say yes with all my being because for the last 8 months, I have been contemplating and planning my funeral and eulogy.
And this practice has given me great joy, and a few nice insights, but the greatest gift from this practice is that the finished product of dying and saying a few words, where that it made a surprisingly great impact on the test persons involved because it touched their hearts to the core, and that means that timeless wisdom contained in my message reached their hearts and placed them in Buddha’s teachings and wisdom.

Its quite plain what I mean, whilst your post remains lost in fog.

This is not just about “dismissing” or “important” in comparative textual studies in EBTs.

What does this mean?

What does this mean?

This post seems to have caused this thread to go off topic.

A reminder that this thread is about death contemplation.

This is not about which part of the canon is ‘authentic’ or otherwise.

If we can stick to the actual topic, that would be most appreciated, thank you in advance. :anjal:


I hope you find the following video useful by Ven. Samahita

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