Deciphering the interface internationalization file

Rather than clutter up the other thread, I though I could ask here about how (and if) specific phrases are used in the interface. Perhaps Ven. @sabbamitta you have done this recently enough that you are still familiar. Otherwise help from Bhante @Sujato or @HongDa would be great when you have time.

Is this still being used? I did this search and didn’t get anything in the code.
"dictionary:displaysInfo": "Displays information such as volume/page references, variant readings, etc.",
It appears to be a duplicate of this whis is in use:
"dictionary:showHighlightingDescription" : "Where applicable, highlight the text to show extra details such as variant readings, corrections, structure, etc."

Is this still being used? I did this search and didn’t get anything in the code.
"dictionary:relatedItems": "Related Items",

How is
"dictionary:noteDisplayTypeAsterisk": "Tooltip on asterisk",
different from
dictionary:asterisk Tooltip on asterisk
? I couldn’t find either in the code.

What is difference between
"dictionary:noteDisplayTypeSidenotes" : "Display as sidenotes"
"dictionary:sidenotes" : "Show as sidenotes"

I will certainly have more later.

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Generally, if you can’t find it in the codebase, it’s not in use and should be removed.

This is probably a relic of the past.

No idea, sounds like there should be only one.

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