Definition of Ignorance

Hmm. Here are some definitions I’ve found from popular dictionaries.

  1. belonging naturally; essential.
  2. belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing
  3. belonging to a thing by its very nature
  4. as in inherent
  5. being an extremely important and basic characteristic of a person or thing

Essence, core, inherent nature etc are all synonyms. The Phena Sutta is denying that any of the five aggregates has anything like this. There is no essential nature of that which is hollow and void. Coreless like a banana tree. Ephemeral like a bubble. Gossamer like an illusion. Fooling like a magic trick.


Salty water can be experienced. Sure.

Three beings walk into a bar and order a drink. The bartender lays out three cups and pours a liquid into each cup from the same bottle.

The first being drinks his cup and the God declares, “Ahhhh Ambrosia!”

The second being drinks his cup and the Human says, “water.”

The third being drinks his cup and the Hungry Ghost moans, “blood and piss :(”

All three have experienced the liquid that the bartender has poured, but all three disagree about the experience based on their kamma. Can it be said that “ambrosia” is intrinsic to that liquid? Can it be said that “water” is intrinsic to that liquid? Can it be said that “blood and piss” is intrinsic to that liquid?

It is precisely because there is nothing intrinsic to that liquid that myriad different experiences arise. The three beings are not exhaustive either. The experiences of us all have many commonalities but are unique as well. Commonalities do not an essence make.

So while water and salt water can be experienced, I’m afraid I don’t believe even water has the essence of water let alone salt water the essence of salt water. The experience of water and the experience of salty water arise due to different causes and conditions, but nary an essence or anything intrinsic is involved.

I’ve yet to find any phenomena that has any intrinsic essence whatsoever.
