Developing Trans* Competence - A Guide

Could it be argued that he is perhaps spiritually harming himself and others?

I don’t know, whether his actions are or are not spiritually harmful was not part of my point :slight_smile: i personally cannot condemn his love for make-up: while it is not the most advisable thing spiritually and can lead to increased conceit, I think pretty much everything we do can be bad. It is the intention that is important, and I hope this Japanese monk has wholesome inentions :pray:


Hurting others? There is certainly an argument that the cosmetics and beauty industry does more harm than it does good, however on terms of if he is hindering his own spiritual practice? That would probably depend on how the make-up artist job is contextualized.

There are lists of “bad jobs” basically in the literature. It would be interesting if “cosmetics artist” was listed there.

Ultimately this monk is pursuing a career in a form of art, one that lacks prestige but is visual art nonetheless.

There is a sensuous side to art, but there is also craft, hard work, commitment, and application. These aspects of art creation are largely unrelated to sensual joys of art products.

Related note: Are monks allowed to have “day-jobs” in countries where there is still donations being made?


In my humble opinion as one who knows so little about the true reality of nature or the nature of reality, I can only offer through my limited understanding that this monk demonstrates no overt signs that he is truly a monk, but rather celebrates and perhaps profits through celebrating the personality-the most superficial aspect of life. I would love to know more about which lineage he follows…what school might condone or accept this behavior or what tradition he follows. I would really like to interview him but I am an interviewer without a show. So I remain committed to our liberation and enlightenment. I am humbled by your collective wisdom, and meritorious conduct. Thank you for teaching me.

Namaste with Metta.


In my humble yet uniquely informed opinion the difference between men and women both physically and psychologically relates to the hormones. And [quote=“Coemgenu, post:62, topic:3915”]
I am a male, that doesn’t mean any tendencies I have or don’t have toward helping people move furniture is related to my maleness, physically or in mindset, right?

In my humble yet uniquely informed opinion the difference between men and women both physically and psychologically relates to the hormones. And yes it does make a subtle but distinct difference in mindset. One can not separate hormonally influenced mind from muscle based on my experiences with both testosterone and estrogen. Namaste

In my humble yet uniquely informed opinion the difference between men and women both physically and psychologically relates to the hormones. And yes it does make a subtle but distinct difference in mindset. One can not separate hormonally influenced mind from muscle based on my experiences with both testosterone and estrogen. Namaste
[/quote]In my own humble yet unique informed opinion the difference between men and women is oft severely exaggerated by society and humanity alike. But that is the limit of “humble yet uniquely informed opinions”, eh?

No. Your opinion is less informed than my lived experience. Perhaps you missed the part where I have had Sex…or gender reassignment surgery. I have had both male and female biological experiences, I would think that my experience as a post op Transsexual woman trumps your opinion. Can you debate this? Have you lived half of your life as a biologically hormonal man the other half as a biological woman? I know the difference. Men and women have subtly different conscious experiences.

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[quote=“Rosie, post:88, topic:3915, full:true”]

No. Your opinion is less informed than my lived experience. Perhaps you missed the part where I have had Sex…or gender reassignment surgery. I have had both male and female biological experiences, I would think that my experience as a post op Transsexual woman trumps your opinion. Can you debate this? Have you lived half of your life as a biologically hormonal man the other half as a biological woman? I know the difference. Men and women have subtly different conscious experiences.
[/quote]My lived experiences, as well as my “uniquely informed” opinions are quite different from yours and equally valid.

You don’t have to be trans to observe the gender binary. This is something we are all living in and we all experience. We have different “uniquely informed opinions”. That is what makes them “uniquely informed”.