Dhamma, Buddhas and Aliens

I happen to believe that other civilisations exist in this vast universe. If, hypothetically we contact them and we find that they too have a religion identical with Buddhadhamma, that in their history there was one who preached the 4NT, would that be a vindication of our faith, that Buddhadhamma is true? If this discovery also happened how would early Buddhism respond? The idea of multiple Buddhas is a Mahayana idea. The idea of only one Buddha in a cycle of Dhamma is a Theravadin one. What is the EBT view?

It would no doubt be an inspiration to find the same teaching on a different planet, but the only vindication of faith is to become a sotāpanna. Even if we discovered a thousand planets all aware of the four noble truths, the work still needs to be done to know it for sure.


The idea of multiple Buddhas would not be surprising at all. In fact, it is to be expected. The EBTs say there can only be one Buddha in one solar system at any given time, but there are many solar systems out there…


“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for two perfected ones, fully awakened Buddhas to arise in the same solar system at the same time. But it is possible for just one perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, to arise in one solar system.”


The Dhamma does not require a Buddha to be proven to be true… a Buddha simply discovers, reveals and explains what is already the Truth. :upside_down_face:

Not to be pedantic, but...

Would it require contact with an alien civilization to prove the validity of Newton’s three laws of motion? Do we need to find a body of literature/ study similar to our own classical mechanics on another planet to vindicate Newton’s discovery? Is there only 1 Newton in a cycle of a particular civilization? Should subsequent physicists also be named ‘Newton’ if they revalidate the 3 laws he propounded from their own experience? What is ‘Newton’ anyway except a label for the foremost amongst us to discover and propound the 3 laws of motion? :laughing:

“Mendicants, whether Realized Ones arise or not, this law of nature persists, this regularity of natural principles, this invariance of natural principles: all conditions are impermanent. A Realized One understands this and comprehends it, then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it: ‘All conditions are impermanent.’

Whether Realized Ones arise or not, this law of nature persists, this regularity of natural principles, this invariance of natural principles: all conditions are suffering. A Realized One understands this and comprehends it, then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it: ‘All conditions are suffering.’

Whether Realized Ones arise or not, this law of nature persists, this regularity of natural principles, this invariance of natural principles: all things are not-self. A Realized One understands this and comprehends it, then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it: ‘All things are not-self.’”


I don’t think it is exclusive to Mahayana. As a matter of fact I heard that lord Gautama Buddha could see 232000 earths. Irrespective of and regardless of that number, I believe that he simultaneously arrived on many many earths of each solar system of this galaxy/world system to preach dhamma. It is said that one cannot conceive the work of Buddha. This is just speculation ok. I believe this because i feel lord buddha was most capable person in the universe so it would be illogical to say that he only came here on only this earth. (Atleast for me)(I can be wrong)

@faujidoc1 has given very nice explanation for this question.
What I think is lord buddha is highest in this samsara, there is nothing he didn’t know, there is nothing he doesn’t have experience of. So his words can be considered as highest authority. No other citation is required. Even if we go to other world systems which is impossible for puthujana like us, we will still get vindication for buddhadhamma but it can also be seen here and now without going to or contacting other civilisations.

Just for that alone, from the perspective of other religions, it is more likely that aliens would have monotheistic religions than Buddhist ones due to the rarity of Buddhas appearing and the timing needs to be right for us to discover a dhamma period of a Buddha.

The monotheistic religions might very well claim universality and truth due to God appearing to many planets at once. Or at least the universal church version of them would. Certainly, there would be some who would lose faith due to lost of specialty of Earth and humans. And many who would argue that the alien God is devil in disguise.

At least we don’t have those issues in Buddhism.

Anyway, it’s more interesting to ask this of classical Theravada Buddhists rather than to EBT group.

I suspect due to the rarity of Buddhas appearing, it is highly unlikely to have alien Buddhists discovered within the lifespan of human space exploration.

Atheists wouldn’t take alien atheist as proof of their religion is true, it doesn’t depend on that.

Jains if they find alien Jains would likely come to the same conclusion that Jainism is the ultimate truth.

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Bhante, I want YOU to teach aliens when they come !! We will be up for a DHAMMA talk !!

I talked a little about Buddhism and Aliens here…




I would like to take advantage of this and share recent news related to the topic…

“Non human intelligence exists. Non human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing.” - Karl Nell, retired Army Colonel




If there is any Law in the Cosmos, that is constant, it is certainly the Law of the Dhamma. Full Enlightenment is possible to all, in certainty. There is no logical argument otherwise.