Dhamma doodles 😁

I have a request for Ven. Yodha, or anyone else with doodle skills.

It’s not important, and there’s no urgency in time, monochrome black and white is fine, it’s for instructional/learning purpose.

The reason I’m interested in a doodle for this sutta, AN 7.67, is because this sutta shows how the 5ind (indiriya) + hiri + ottappa work together, in a frontier fortress. The problem is, I have a hard time picturing some of the elements in the fortress, like the foundation post.

This is one of the suttas I found to memorize not word for word, but just the important ideas. So if I had a picture of a fortress with 7 parts I could visualize, then I could map it to the 5ind correspondences and describe it to someone verbally.

As it is now, since I can’t picture the whole fortress, I have trouble remembering some of the correspondences.