Dharmafarer.org Offline?

I have been unable to access Piya Tan’s blog lately. Is it just me? Anybody know what’s up?


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They have been moving the website.

Some is online here:

Here is some discussion:


Piya Tan
9 July at 17:17
as themindingcentre.org
then go to “Sutta Discovery”

or: http://themindingcentre.org/wp/sutta-discovery/

This is a very difficult challenge but as before we will prevail with Dhamma.

Due to some technical problem, we need some more time to work with Dharmafarer.org: we will probably lose all the files there due to some technicality.

The blessing is that we are replacing them with NEW AND ENLARGED VERSIONS. Many of the volumes are becoming double, even triple sets. The Dhamma is getting ever clearer and joyful than ever before.


RATNA is starting the SD website from scratch. Sorry we cannot give you a really posh-looking website like the well-sponsored Sutta websites.

Ratna is working on the page structure with SD headings, links and so on. The rest will follow thokaṁ thokaṁ, as the suttas say. Please bear with us with lots of metta.

All this is Ratna’s own initiative, and I am amazed at her dedication and diligence to the Dhamma. Sadhu!


The SD website is basically a home-spun effort with the help of a few IT-savvy friends and with lots of love for DHAMMA. We have no rich sponsors but working people working with us out of love for Dhamma. Sadhu to them, too.

Yet, people say this is the BEST sutta website. Sadhu.


Thanks for the support. And we need your continued support.

More importantly, do use the sutta translations wisely.


SD book covers: thanks Lien Veron for these beautiful covers. The last 2 covers are unused since we only had funds to publish the first 2 volumes. Anyway, our priority is to finish many more new SD volumes and put them online.