Did Theravada or Suttas had anything about close-minded?

Any Sutta or Theravada source that talks about close-mindness or people?

Was reading my new abhidharma book from sarvastivada and it mention what kinda person is close-minded. Not so much. I still need to find it again. Will post it if I do.

Did the Sarvastivada Abhidharma book have anything like this?

Vb 17, starting with 27 types of pride in Theravada Abhidhamma


If you can find the original Sarvastivada source, we might be able to find the Theravada equivalent i.e. in Abhidhamma. And work backward to find the sutta from there.

So from the source you shared we have,

Therein what is “mental sluggishness”? That which is indisposition of consciousness, unwieldiness, drooping, sagging, sluggishness, being sluggish, state of being sluggish, sloth, being slothful, state of consciousness being slothful. This is called mental sluggishness. (35)

This I found in the Abhidharma book.

Sleepiness exists only in a desirous mind: because a sleepy mind is closed, sleepiness exists only in the realm of desire in the mental stage. It is associated with all fetters of the realm of desire. All fetters proceed at the moment of sleepiness.

P.S I changed afflictions to fetters.

There is more on sleepiness sonewhere else in the book.

It seems like you might be looking for texts about sloth and torpor, rather than ideological or prideful close mindedness?

No. Mine reply to about theravada source was just what I found in it that was connected. But interested like I said in close minded still. Now I download another study on mahavibhasa. I think I read somewhere talks on sleepiness maybe the study might mention on that close minded. If I find some more I post here.

Does this apply? It describes a close-hearted person. :slight_smile:

Brahmin, take someone who sees a sight with their eyes. If it’s pleasant they hold on to it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and their heart restricted. And they don’t truly understand the freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom where those arisen bad, unskillful qualities cease without anything left over.


For me, this describes a close-minded person:

Please, Kālāmas, don’t go by oral transmission, don’t go by lineage, don’t go by testament, don’t go by canonical authority, don’t rely on logic, don’t rely on inference, don’t go by reasoned train of thought, don’t go by the acceptance of a view after deliberation, don’t go by the appearance of competence, and don’t think ‘The ascetic is our respected teacher.’


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