Did you miss Bhante Sujato's Pali class? Always wanted to study Pali?


:grinning: It’s not too late :grinning: Another class is starting soon. :grinning:

@johnk, who assisted Bhante Sujato in his 2023 and is currently wrapping that one up, will be starting a new class soon. If you are a beginner, near beginner, or simply want to revise and refresh what you already know this is the class for you.

The textbook, A New Course in Reading Pāli by Gair and Karunatillake uses nothing but authentic texts from the suttas, building all the instruction around the selected texts.

I studied this text in John’s class that that ended last November. Our group found him an articulate, patient, and very well organised teacher. We went on to read more suttas with him. It was an enjoyable experience that I can recommend to other students.

For more info about the course and to register click on “Who Wants to Learn Pāli? - take 2” below and speak directly with John.

John Kelly has been a practicing Buddhist since the early 1990s and has studied the Pāli language since the early 2000s. He has been principal assistant to Bhikkhu Bodhi in four of his most recent sutta translation publications. In 2005 John was a founding member and designer on the team that created SuttaCentral.net, a continuously growing trove of information on early Buddhist texts, translations, and parallels. John has an MA in Buddhist Studies, and his dissertation for this MA, “The Buddha’s Teachings to Lay People”, was published in Buddhist Studies Review.
[Heart Insight Meditation Group (Brisbane) Newsletter.]

John Kelly in Dhamma Wiki.

John is currently translating Section Three of the Milindapañha for Sutta Central.

PS: It looks like it’s time for someone to update John’s Dhamma Wiki entry. Volunteer? :wink: