Difference between sati and sampajanna

Pali loves using close synonyms. English loves clear distinctions. And so we try to understand each other. The PTSD (Pali Text Society Dictionary) entries show something of the challenge:

attention, consideration, discrimination, comprehension, circumspection AN.i.13 sq.; AN.ii.93; AN.iii.307; AN.iv.320; AN.v.98 sq. SN.iii.169; DN.iii.213 (sati + samp . opp. to muṭṭha-sacca asampajañña ), DN.iii.273. Description of it in detail at DN-a.i.183 sq. = Vb-a.347 sq., where given as fourfold , viz sātthaka˚, sappāya˚, gocara˚, asammoha˚, with examples Often combined with sati , with which almost synonymous,* e.g. at DN.i.63; AN.i.43; AN.ii.44 sq.; AN.v.115


memory, recognition, consciousness, DN.i.180; DN.ii.292; Mil.77–Mil.80 intentness of mind, wakefulness of mind, mindfulness alertness, lucidity of mind, self-possession, conscience self-consciousness DN.i.19; DN.iii.31, DN.iii.49, DN.iii.213, DN.iii.230, DN.iii.270 sq. AN.i.95; Dhs.14; Mnd.7; Tikp.61; Vb-a.91; Dhs-a.121; Mil.37;

Maybe we should accept that the two words are * "almost synonymous" and not attempt too strenuously to over-define them.

(OPINION only.)