Difference between vicara and vicāra

regarding AN 6.52

After studying that sutta carefully, I still think your original choice of “explore” works best. “preoccupation” is serviceable, but I think the case of the thief and woman “exploring for” hiding place and adornments, shows the physical aspect of exploring to accomplish that, whereas the other 4 cases were all pañña-upavicara, exploring for wisdom/knowledge/skill in their profession, which ambiguously covers both mental and physical exploration but we can’t be sure.

I’ve been doing an exhaustive search for “vicar” in all the suttas, and since there are only two unique places really that use upa-vicara, AN 6.52 and MN 137, I can’t really see anything that differentiates upa-vicara from anu-vicara mano. See my notes in the next message, “anu-vicara mano” seem to occupy the same kind of doctrinal mental exploration territory as upa-vicara in MN 137.