Discussion for Bilara users

  • Bandits: SN 35.197 → SN 35.238 on SC
  • Barley reaper: Mil 2.1.8 → Mil 3.1.8 on SC
  • Bowl of poison: Thig 14 → Thig 14.1 on SC
  • Butcher of goats: AN 3.99 → AN 3.100 on SC
  • Carpenter: Mil 2.3.13 → Mil 3.3.13 on SC
  • City superintendent at a crossroads: Mil 2.3.12 → Mil3.3.12 on SC
  • Cloth, person covered with white: This simile is not in all Suttas listed here; it’s not in DN 11 and DN 12 on SC, but instead in DN 10, MN 77, and MN 119
  • Cock’s feather in fire: AN 7.46 → AN 7.49 on SC
  • Cow, led to slaughter: AN 7.70 → AN 7.74 on SC
  • Cow, milked dry: AN 11.18 → AN 11.17 on SC
  • Cowherd, competent: AN 11.18 → AN 11.17 on SC
  • Cowherd, incompetent: AN 11.18 → AN 11.17 on SC
  • Cymbals striking together: Mil 2.3.8 → Mil 3.3.8 on SC
  • Dewdrop on tip of grass blade: AN 7.70 → AN 7.74 on SC
  • Dirt-washer: AN 03.100.1-10 → AN 3.101 on SC
  • Donkey that thinks it’s a cow: AN 3.81 → AN 3.82 on SC
  • Dusty road: DN 11 and DN 12 don’t have the simile on SC; I am adding DN 10, AN 4.198, and SN 55.6 instead in the German version, so that there’s something from each Nikaya
  • Elephant, in battle, patient endurance: Thag 3.8 → Thag 3.9 on SC
  • Embers in a pit: Thig 14 → Thig 14.1 on SC
  • Executioner, both “five” and “sixth”: SN 35.197 → SN 35.238 on SC
  • Farmer’s urgent duties: AN 3.91 → AN 3.92 on SC
  • Fish, caught on a hook: SN 35.189 → SN 35.230 on SC
  • Fish, in dried-up puddle: Of two links, the second (SN 5.10) has no fish simile, nor can I identify this simile anywhere else in the entire canon but in Snp 4.2, which is the first link listed here; leaving out the second
  • Fisherman: SN 35.189 → SN 35.230 on SC
  • Flame, overthrown by wind: Snp 5.6 → Snp 5.7 on SC
  • Flies’ eggs: AN 11.18 → AN 11.17 on SC
  • Flood, sweeping away a sleeping village: Dhp 286 → Dhp 287 on SC
  • Fords: AN 11.18 → AN 11.17 on SC
  • Frontier fortress, the body: SN 35.204 → SN 35.245 on SC
  • Frontier fortress, seven skillful qualities: AN 7.63 → AN 7.67 on SC
  • Frontier fortress, foundation post (as well as moat, encircling road, weapons, army, gate-keeper, ramparts, stores of grass, stores of rice, stores of sesame, stores of tonics): AN 7.63 → AN 7.67 on SC
  • Fumigation: AN 11.18 → AN 11.17 on SC
  • Gem with colored thread inside: DN 11 and DN 12 don’t have the simile on SC, choose DN 10 instead