Discussion for Bilara users

You’re right, it looks bad. Going to alert Blake …

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Oups hope not too bad.

Thanks a lot.

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“Looks bad” means it’s down on my end too. Usually it is enough to reboot the server, which only Blake can do.

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Ah ok good :relaxed:

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Try reloading your page, it should be back now.

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Yes it is. Thanks a lot again for your help :pray:

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Well, it’s Blake’s help. I am only the messenger. :slightly_smiling_face:

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We might need him yet again…

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Should be back now. Try reloading your page, and it should work.

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I have now made an experiment. Instead of publishing each Nikaya individually, I published “sutta” all in one go. As I got already time out errors for publishing a single Nikaya, I had been hesitant to try this, but now I just tried. Of course I am getting a time out error, but the pull request appears nevertheless.

This now reduces 5 pull requests for the 5 Nikayas to just one! @carmi, please let me know if this is a good idea, or if there are any problems. :pray:

But I see a lot of red crosses :x: recently in the GitHub actions.

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Thanks for the question Ayya @sabbamitta. For your translations it works well as there are no errors! :slight_smile: :pray:

When a translator is starting for the first time I prefer to review each sutta separately because they are on a learning curve with regards to the style guide’s “little things”. One translation at a time helps me see and manage it more easily in GitHub if errors are present. The downside is more processing time, which is why Bhante prefers batch processing.

Once a translator is familiar with the process and is in the groove of translation then batch processing works well.


I wasn’t sure if it would work with such a huge batch, but apparently it does. :+1:

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I didn’t see myself creating a topic just for this and since it is primarily of potential interest for other translators, I’ll put it here.

The word attha is often difficult to translate because it has a strong polysemy (benefit, purpose, goal, meaning) and because several or all of these meanings may fit in a particular sentence. So I have started resorting to acting as if there were 2 or 3 different words.

For example:

attharasassa dhammarasassa vimuttirasassa lābhino bhavissāma

We will obtain the taste of the meaning, the benefit, the purpose, the taste of the Dhamma, the taste of liberation.


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Hello Bhante @sujato. @silence invited me to review his translation of AN 1. Should we have access to the proofreading feature for Bilara soon? Or shall we put in place another process in the meantime? I remember someone mentioning using Google Docs for that, am I correct?


Just looping @carmi who may be able to help here (I assume!). :anjal:

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Sorry folks, no news on that front. Blake has been fully occupied with fatherhood. I am desperate to get that happening! This year I put my focus on getting the Publications project done, expecting both that (a) it would be done in a month or two, and (b) that Blake would be able to get the Suggestions done for Bilara in the meantime. Both these turned out to be optimistic!

I’ll continue to do what I can to get the proofreading happening, but TBH we’re financially skint at the moment, so our options are limited. If we had the funds, we could get STXnext to do the updates to Bilara. I’ll see if it’s possible, but last time I spoke to Deepika about finances, she was like, “let’s not end up like Sri Lanka!”.


I just want to clear up a possible misunderstanding here. I didn’t mean to say that I am get desperate to get fatherhood going! Just in case there was any confusion!


Hello Bhante, thank you for your update, and sorry to hear about the financial situation. I hope to make some financial contribution soon.

I was wondering :wink:


@Carmi and Bhante @Sujato, bilara seems to be stuck again. We need divine intervention!


It looks like it’s up again Venerable @Brahmali, is it working for you now?