Discussion for Bilara users

Yes, it’s still an issue. I have the same problem as you across the board, but with Kd.16 and Kd.3 the changes never go through. @Blake, are you around by any chance?

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He is aware and working on it!


@Blake, this is just to let you know that the problem still remains. So, whenever you can find the time …


Blake is currently working on some major update, and as it seems, at the moment he is very successfully finding out what is not working. :+1: :+1: :smile:

So we have to be patient … :hourglass_flowing_sand: … I am sure at some point he will also find what is working!


I did the translation for German, but found only two new strings, map and mapTitle. Is this all?

I think so, yes. Thanks!

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“About” is also done for German.

I have pushed the changes for publish in Bilara, and this worked despite the wonky state of the app.

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Great! Thanks @Blake for getting into it. Just in case you are not aware, input into Kd.3 and Kd.16 still isn’t work.

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Is there somewhere I can see the status on Bilara? It seems to be down. Using Chrome 107.0.5304.110 for mac

Console says

auth Array(0) Object
browse:1 EventSource's response has a MIME type ("text/html") that is not "text/event-stream". Aborting the connection.
VM7 auth:31 Disconnected from es-dev-server, no longer reloading on file changes.
api/nav/:1          Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway)
515d9367.js:1 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<html>
<h"... is not valid JSON
VM6 auth:1 ServiceWorker registered.
manifest.json:1 Manifest: Line: 1, column: 1, Syntax error.
515d9367.js:24 KeyboardEvent

Yeah down for me too, I’ve notified Blake.

If having issues with pages loading, please try the following steps (For Chrome):

  • Open Inspector (ctrl-shift-i or F12)
  • Go to Application tab
  • In the side bar select ‘service worker’ and ‘unregister’ it.
  • In the sidebar select ‘storage’ and ‘clear site data’

This will log you out. Log back in again. After these steps the client files should definitely be up to date.


Bhante @sujato, the blurb for SN 29.1 is numbered sn28.159 in Bilara. Bilara resp. bilara-data/sn-blurbs_root-en.json at unpublished · suttacentral/bilara-data · GitHub.

I’ve made an issue:

Dear @blake
What are the instructions for the Firefox users?
Thank you.

Use Chrome. :wink:

Sad to say, we haven’t tested Bilara on Firefox.

But you can unregister the service worker in the inspector panel under Application, and delete storage under Storage.

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I used Bilara with Firefox for the last several months and it was perfect.
So Bilara was tested for the Firefox. :wink:

Just two weeks ago problems started with not being able to log in and get the list of the suttas.
But today I followed instructions for Chrome and it works. Hopefully for good.

Hi Blake, I use Brave and have no issues loading pages, except Kd.16 and Kd.3. I am unable to enter any changes into either of these, nor am I able to load them afresh. (I just happen to have them pre-opened on my laptop.) They’ve been stuck now for about 4 days.

Would you please have a look at this?

Blake’s just starting work this morning and he’ll be refreshing the app. Expect some choppy waters and then smooooooooooth sailing. Hopefully!

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Yay, it’s working again! Thanks so much @Blake! You are the best. :grinning:

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So today I made a significant update to Bilara and it has been running smoothly.

You may have noticed the “green tick” behavior has changed, as in it turns green much faster. The green tick now means the server has received the translation and will definitely not lose it. It doesn’t guarantee that it’ll immediately make it onto GitHub as there can be funny business going on with git.

If your changes do not appear on GitHub, do not try to re-submit them, that is a waste of effort (it won’t do any harm, but it also won’t help). The server will try again later to get the translation to Github after the issue has been resolved. But if there’s no green tick the server probably didn’t receive the translation due to a network issue.

Behind the scenes it’s pretty similar to a journaling file system which protects against data loss (or more specifically against funny business like half-written changes) by recording what changes are going to be made in a journal before actually committing those changes to the files then updating the journal once the changes have been successfully committed, if something bad happens success is never noted and it will try to write the changes again using the journal. Bilara did always keep a log of incoming translations that a couple of times I’ve used to recover from git corruption manually, but the new setup allows much more automatic replaying of the journal.

This system is still brand new and will of course get refined over time to work better, as issues arise. But overall it’s a very promising direction.


Bhante @sujato there appear to be some <j> tags in some texts in Bilara. What do they mean?

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