Discussion for Bilara users

@Blake, bilara is working supremely well at the moment! May you be well and splendidly happy!

Much metta from Perth,
Ajahn Brahmali


Hear now the doctrine of the <j> tag!

Verse lines are finicky to typeset. Sometimes a line is just too long and you get something like this.

A brahmin’s so-called because they have banished
an ascetic’s so-called since they live a serene life.

Or, worse:

A brahmin’s so-called because they have banished ev-
an ascetic’s so-called since they live a serene life.

Throw a <j> tag in:

A brahmin’s so-called <j>because they have banished evil,
an ascetic’s so-called <j>since they live a serene life.

And it’ll look like this:

A brahmin’s so-called 
        because they have banished evil,
an ascetic’s so-called 
       since they live a serene life.

The name <j> comes from the technical term “enjambment”, which is when a line of poetry flows on to the next. <j> is a custom HTML element that just does this one thing. The browser will automatically close it and apply styles.

It’ll make the verses lines look nice when appropriate on the web, but its main use is for printing. We convert it to the appropriate LaTeX and make your verses look nice!

  • tl;dr: use a <j> tag when you want to split a long line of verse in a sensible place.


  • Don’t use <j> outside of verse.
  • Don’t use multiple <j> tags in a line.
  • Don’t go overboard, use only when necessary.

Long lines of verse are often a sign of clumsy translation. See if you can rephrase it first.

Obviously this will be more useful for some languages (German) and less for others (Japanese).


The translators were happy with what Master Sujato said. :pray:


Hello everyone, Bilara hasn’t been loading for me the last few days. Is it only me?


Hmm, I don’t know. For me it has always been working normally, even just 30 min ago I committed my last segment. Bhante @sujato, how is it for you?

No, it’s been fine for me. In fact I was just thinking about how it’s been reliable ever since the last round of changes that Blake made.

Let us know if the problem persists.

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Hmm… someone messages a developer to tell them everything is working fine…

That never happens.


Lol, true words Ven.

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Thank you for you replies. Yes, I am sorry it is still not loading on my side. @carmi, could this be related to rights with my Github account?

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It’s likely we need @blake to answer this.

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Hi @noeismet what do you see in your browser when you try to load Bilara?

Okay, we’re going to need some more details to help you out with this one.

First, let’s get the basics out of the way.

  • Do a hard refresh.
  • Make sure you’re logged in to Bilara.
  • Check your connection: does it work fine on other sites?
    • Bilara takes a long time for the initial load, because we put all the projects on the Home page. This is something we want to improve in future.
  • Make sure you are using an up-to-date browser.
    • (Unfortunately Bilara has only really been tested in Chrome, but other browsers should generally work.)
  • Check your browser addons. Try disabling them all.

If that doesn’t work, then load up Bilara as best you can and send us a screenshot. You can paste it in this thread.

Then check your browser inspector for errors (right click → inspect → console). Take a screenshot of the errors or just copy and paste them.

Also, please share your browser and OS details. :pray:

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Hello @carmi, this is what I see:

It says loading but nothing loads even if I keep the page open for hours.
I am going to follow the steps recommended by @sujato and see if I get something.


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Hello Bhante,

So I followed all the steps you recommended and the projects in Bilara still do not load unfortunately.

  • Do a hard refresh. :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Make sure you’re logged in to Bilara. :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Check your connection: does it work fine on other sites? :ballot_box_with_check:
    • Bilara takes a long time for the initial load, because we put all the projects on the Home page. This is something we want to improve in future.
  • Make sure you are using an up-to-date browser. :ballot_box_with_check:
    • (Unfortunately Bilara has only really been tested in Chrome, but other browsers should generally work.)
  • Check your browser addons. Try disabling them all. :ballot_box_with_check:

What is see now:

My browser version:

My OS:

I hope this helps.


Thanks so much for the info. It looks like the issue is the 502 error or the SyntaxError (or they are related). I’ve tested things as best I can, but can’t find anything. Hopefully Blake or Hongda will be able to do better.

Meanwhile, can I just ask you to look deeper into these results?

  • On the “Failed to load resource” 502 error, at the right there’s a yellowish icon, I think it’s a network icon? Try clicking it and see what it says.
  • On the SyntaxError line, try opening that file, copy line 365 and paste it here.

Meanwhile, however, while poking around I did notice a small mistake in your translation.

"dn21:1.13.9": "_La première section de récitation est terminée._ ",

You’ve added _markdown_ for italics on this sentence. Please don’t do this!

  • The signs _underscore_ are for when you are quoting Pali (or Sanskrit) terms only. Never use them for anything else.
  • To add italics for emphasis, use *asterisks*.

Do not add italics for any other purpose. The line you have italicized is already marked with a special class in the HTML, you should not do anything to alter this. It is neither a quoted Pali word, nor is it an emphasized word.


I was curious so I looked it up:

"dn21:1.13.9": "<p class='endsection'>{}</p>",

Hello Bhante,

I clicked on that yellowish icon but it’s not clickable actually, nothing happens.

Here is the content of line 365:

`;class dt extends(oe(nt)(te)){static get styles(){return ct}_closeOverlay(){nt.dispatch((e=>{e({type:"CLOSE_DIALOG"})}))}_cancel(){this._closeOverlay()}}customElements.define("bilara-dialog",dt);const ut="GET_BROWSE_DATA",pt="UPDATE_PATH",ht=()=>(e,t)=>{const r=t().app.user;return fetch("/api/nav/",{headers:{"X-Bilara-Auth-Token":r.authToken,"X-Bilara-Username":r.username}}).then((e=>e.json())).then((t=>{e({type:"GET_BROWSE_DATA",data:t})})).catch((e=>{console.log(e)}))};customElements.define("bilara-dialog-publish",class extends dt{static get styles(){return[ct,i`

I am very sorry about that, I have no idea why I did, I don’t recall now. But definitely I’ll keep in mind not too do that.

:pray: Noé


Thanks Noé, just checking with @blake if it is the GitHub handle update.

Sorry I didn’t pick it up in the checks :pray:

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One other thing to try is clearing the site data. The service worker may be serving bad data.

In chrome: inspect → application → storage > “clear site data”.

In recent versions of Chrome “clear site data” should also delete the service worker, there shouldn’t be a service worker registered under application → service workers. If there is, click “unregister”.

Hard refresh and try logging in again.


Ah yes, now I remember. This is what worked for me when I had that same problem that everybody else could use Bilara just fine, except I.