Display strategies for new data tables

Now as to how this approach would work in the i18n version. i think it will be a good idea from here on out to develop the two views concurrently.

And the code: details_mockup_i18n.html.zip (1.9 KB)

Here are the main differences.

  • The vol/page info is removed.
  • Descriptions are added where available.
  • Main title is translated where available.
  • If translated title is present, root language title is demoted, but still present.
  • The language dropdown is removed. Instead, the names of all available translators in that language are present. These are presented with a distinct style.
  • The left side of the table, which shows the relations, is unchanged, and continues to give access to root texts.

Note, we should remember to use no break spaces for IDs, also for compound names like Rhy Davids.