'Do nothing' meditation and EBT

Looking forward for practicing ,do nothing’ with you and Ajahn Brahm tomorrow in London :smile:


Yes, it will be a nice break from it all. Hope to see you tomorrow!

with metta

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Can you expand on that ? That’s news to me. I thought right effort is purely a mental endeavor. The only mention of stretching I can recall from the EBT is the Buddha warning us not to do “lazy stretching” to feed the hindrance of sloth and torpor. I’ve always been puzzled that the Buddha doesn’t give some minimal instruction on basic intentional stretching to relieve pain and promote good health and circulation.

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In the suttas I can only recall contentment being used with reference to physical requisites.

Can you or anyone else point to a Sutta where the word contentment is used with reference to the mind?


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Hi Frankk
I don’t think Ajahn meant literally/physically. He was talking about it to do with the quality of effort/endeavour. As in it should be a stretch but not a strain. I put the whole quote in a following post.

I think we need to not get confused between not doing and non doing with all this. With clarity and awareness we can engage in non-doing. Not-doing is it’s ignorant, lazy friend.


Hi Mkoll

Beautiful question!

The Mangala Sutta Snp 2.4 and the Karaniyametta Sutta Snap 1.8

Contentment, regardless of what the specific reference is, is an emotional state; I would say it always has to do with the mind. I view it and feel it as an emotion that produces a state of peace, ie. an absence of fighting; imbued with a significant degree of acceptance.

I hope this helps. :slight_smile:

With metta


Equanimity , would you say , cover contentment , steadiness , peace , acceptance, non doing ?!


Agitation (udacca) is one of the 5 hindrances. Becoming calm, and/or finding the cause of the agitation can be helpful in reducing agitation.

I believe Ajhan Chah had said for some people he tells them to go to the left, but to others he tells them to go to the right- depending on what instruction they need to hear.

with metta


Does anyone know why the SC do not have both of these sutta in Chinese version ?

The Greatest Good Fortune (Snp 2.4)

The Discourse on the Blessings (Kp 5, Pāli)

And also Kp 9 & Snp 1.8 .

The translations here are based on what is available. There are not complete translations of all the suttas in any language yet. If you can find a translation that’s not in copyright then maybe suggest it in the translations section