Does “all Dhammas” include Nibbāna?

Greetings Ven Sunyo :slightly_smiling_face: I hope you are well.

All fair enough, but I responded as I read your posts in this thread. As always, I only aim to stimulate contemplation from different angles, as opposed to trying to convince anyone that my angle is correct. I often do this not so much only for the person writing but for all the ‘silent’ readers of the threads who do not participate, especially if I feel some aspect needs to be drawn out more.

Also I subsequently read another one of your posts on asankhata where I thought you expressed yourself very clearly on this subject. Here it is :slightly_smiling_face:

I often use ‘constructed’ as well as fabricated. As for me this also indicates mental constructions/constructs/conceptualizations - so tying in with ‘volitional formations’ which I see as a hybrid between choices and fabrications…

Wishing you all the very best :slightly_smiling_face: :pray: :sunflower: