Does the Tathagata exist before death?


The purpose of samadhi does seem to be to “reach the end of the world”. The canon, unfortunately, is very inconsistent in telling us how deep we have to go. I put together a table of these differences here. I am not an inerrantist with regard to the canon so this does not surprise me.

I suspect that “reach the end of the world” means the cessation of sensory perception and thought, that is, the world of the six senses. With regard to the extinguishment of consciousness, that depends on what you mean by consciousness. Does the extinguishment of consciousness mean extinguishment of what it is like to be a person/organism or the end of all experience? I believe it is the former. If it is the latter, meditation is unnecessary. One is just needs to go under a general anesthetic.

Added later: I believe the goal is a formless experience without pleasure or pain. The world of the senses is a world of forms.

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