"The formless attainments are not included in the earliest teachings..."

To facilitate the comparison of the different progressions of samadhi in the canon, I have put together the table below. There may be more, but this is what I found. I did not see where ideation ceases.

MN119 AN10.72 AN9.31 DN9
vitakki and vicara present vitakki and vicara present vitakki and vicara present vitakki and vicara present
vitakki and vicara absent vitakki and vicara absent vitakki and vicara absent vitakki and vicara absent
rapture absent rapture absent rapture absent rapture absent
(see below) breathing absent breathing absent pleasure and pain absent
x (see below) perception of form absent perception of form absent
x x perception of the dimension of infinite space absent perception of the dimension of infinite space absent
x x perception of the dimension of infinite consciousness absent perception of the dimension of infinite consciousness absent
x x perception of the dimension of nothingness absent perception of the dimension of nothingness absent
pleasure and pain absent perception and feelings absent perception and feeling absent perception absent (note the absence of feeling here and the mention of pleasure and pain being absent above. When does neutral feeling cease? )