Don't mishandle the snake! 😂

Boy: “It’s called the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Basically, we’re all made up of these tiny little atoms and those atoms can’t reside in the same location. Which is what qualifies as touching. So, technically, we never really touch anything.”

Dad: “Right… but you… you still gotta apologize to your little brother for punching him in the face.”


The Vaibhashikas got there first. Partless particles are the ultimate basis/truth of form. Indivisible moments of consciousness are the ultimate constituents of mental phenomina.

Stringy, quantum-style stuff ultimately exists. The deceptive ‘collections’ of said particles are empty of what we attribute them to be, which is the cause of all the bother. It’s what Buddha actually meant by emptiness.

Guys, you just weren’t looking hard enough!


Only in the eye of the beholder and described substance which actually has no reality, as it has the Same marks of tranquil extinction of the World-Honored Ones, as all phenomena contain. :grin:


BTW @yeshe.tenley

I wonder if, in your question about the aggregates being burning chaff (‘kukkuḷa’), you knew about the Kukkulikas?

I have read Kv 2.8, but the early Buddhist schools I have not studied with any kind of rigor. :pray:

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All knowledge and vision has only one goal, to really arrive at Nibbana, personally attain Nibbana, the cessation of all clinging, detachment and knowing that rebirth has ended.
If one would attach, cling to knowledge and vision, one still deviates from the Path.

If one starts to see knowledge as the goal, and clings to knowledge as the Truth and goal of Dhamma, one becomes a philosopher but not awakened.


I absolutely agree with this, which leaves us with a tough decision…

Which of us is going to message the Vaibhashikas? :grinning:

Nibbana is a powerful way to end suffering, but suffering isn’t the only reason for Nibbana. Cessating material desires, morality comes into a stronger play. Goodness comes. Real Metta comes. If you could trade even these things for a lack of suffering, then I believe an intelligent person would still choose Love. An intelligent person. Luckily, with Nibbana we have both sides of the basket, and freedom from this world also means freedom from it’s ills.