Epstein and the Brain

Now, another comment by me, this time in a media science perspective.

The introduction of print revolutionized not only our ways of disseminating information but also our ways of thinking. Quite many media scientists would argue it was the Gutenberg Galaxy that made the Reformation possible and shaped the European mind for centuries to come. The discussion of the IP metaphor in the links article lends this argument more support. Let’s be honest, the age of books is kind of over, the Github or Wiki age or something very similar to this is possibly what is coming next. The informations processors are dominating the cultural landscape and are starting to sink into the metaphorical structures of our cognitive process. We think about brains as computers, there is a constant talk of us possibly living in a computer simulation, ‘network’ is probably destined to be the buzzword of the century… It is all so vastly interesting :slight_smile: