EPUBs are fixed

Our EPUB production was broken for some time. Thanks to those who pointed out the bug, and to Blake and Hongda who fixed it. They should work just fine, but if there are any issues, refresh the page.


Dear Kalyanmitra,

Iam still facing issues with EPUBs , can somebody help me

Metta /\

Welcome to the forum Ajay. I hope someone can help you with your problem. In the meantime, it might help if you describe the type of issue and mention what computer software/hardware you use. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

For me, there is a long wait (30+ seconds) before the download box pops up after clicking on the link on the downloads page. But it does eventually come up. Is that what you are talking about? Have you tried waiting? I’m not sure, but I think that the files are generated every time someone downloads them.

Please refer to this thread for updates about the epub version of the Sutta Pitaka.