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Thanks for helping. But this isn’t a spelling mistake. The reading is a contraction of savanam-pi-ahaṁ. The long ā results from the union of the pi and ahaṁ. You can see the same reading in the PTS edition, which you can read as a scanned copy on SuttaCentral. Open “Textual Information” from the sidebar, and click on the little book icon. (but you have to go to the last page on the previous sutta to get the right page.)

The digital text that we use, the mahasangiti edition, was originally derived from the VRI digitial text that you link to above, which is hosted on AtI. The team behind the Mahasangiti spent several years going over the text and extensively and carefully proofreading every detail, three times by sight, and three times orally. While it will never be possible to eliminate every mistake, they have come pretty close to it.