Events at Tilorien Monastery iSangha

Ajahn Brahmali - Noble Eightfold Path retreat 2020

25th November - 4th December

Edit (23/11/2020): There are still a few places available for this retreat, also if you can only make it part-time, feel free to sign up. You can always catch up on the Dhamma Talks and guided meditations via our YouTube channel.

How many factors does the noble eightfold path have? Hmm … :thinking: Nothing could be more obvious, yet it is so common to find paths with one or more factors missing, and occasionally with factors added. If we want to reap the benefits of the Buddha’s path to awakening, we need to ensure we follow the instructions.

On this retreat Ajahn Brahmali will look at the various factors in quite a bit of detail, and also show how they all relate to each other. The purpose of the retreat is to give a clear overview of what is needed for full awakening, nothing less. Regardless of where you are on the path, and regardless of what your ambition is, you will find this useful.

There are still a few places open in this retreat. Sign up on the website:

Note: This event was announced in the 2nd post of this thread. The dates are the same but the topic has been restricted to the Noble Eightfold Path.