Evidence for Rebirth

I thank @Jayarava and @cdpatton for bringing this up.

As @cdpatton said in another thread:

As I noted there, the liberating knowledge involving past lives seems very much tied up with seeing through the illusion of self, seeing the taking up of many identities through many lives. It’s a high level of attainment, a precursor to understanding the Noble Truths:

Jayarava criticises the research on past lives as not science. However, for me, that’s not the important point. It may or may not be poor science but it is definitely trying to be science. My criticism is that appeals to such research as support for Dhamma (along with speculation on connections between quantum mechanics and Dhamma) falls into the very same materialist view that the proponents say that we should be avoiding. It is an appeal to science to support Dhamma. If the Dhamma is not bound by a materialist world view it should need no such support.