Facebook is bad and you should stop using it

Mat, that’s no apples-to-apples comparison, that’s like an apples-to-Terminator comparison.

Once people come to see that they are up against AI’s that are much, much smarter than them, and much more sociologically and psychologically manipulative and devious than Mara himself (with his laughable vilvawood lute), how can anyone escape the eventual conclusion that the only defense is to avoid those media outlets completely?

I strongly recommend watching the following (and please pay particular attention to how the “machine learning” results in the generated database tables [which become the rules by which the AI operates] have THOUSANDS, maybe MILLIONS of rows and columns, being FAR more complex than any human could ever hope to understand. If that kind of unfathomable complexity doesn’t blow your mind, then please watch the video over again until you understand what was said):

Thus the apples-to-Terminator comparison. I strongly recommend “getting out of Dodge”, because the place has effectively become overrun with Terminators.
I think FB and the like OPTIMALLY screw with your mind (as the AI’s are programmed specifically to be that way). Not merely moderately screw with your mind, as would all the conventional vices Mara would employ: drinking, gambling, drugs, etc. Note in the following video how the Dopamine hits are actually algorithmically scheduled for the users (not to mention the use of sleep deprivation, a well-known brainwashing tactic):

Mara would be jealous to have programming skillz like that!

And when I say “Get out of Dodge”, I’m referring to all the big corporations (who are in a competitive “race to the bottom”), such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. BTW: in the Open Source world, you don’t see any such “race to the bottom” (mentioned in the above video), nor do they shove AI down anyone’s throats. Perhaps now you can see why I tend to align my trust there instead.