Faith and Doubt

Currently Alexa lacks identity view. There is no craving for continued existence. Humans, being idiots, think it clever to give AI identity view.
That may be the last mistake we make.

There is this thing in AI called a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) that is basically a consciousness mechanism that feeds on itself. Within an RNN, name and form arise on their own.

SN12.64:3.3: If there is desire, relishing, and craving for consciousness as fuel, consciousness becomes established there and grows.

They have recently discovered that RNN’s can be modeled using analog circuitry. Indeed, analog RNN’s promise to be faster and more energy-efficient than digital computer RNNs. What this means is that there will no longer be a need for cloud tethering of AI. Alexa, Siri and Assistant are all hosted in the cloud and require an internet connection. Analog RNN’s will be fast and efficient enough for mobile autonomous AI agents. I see Spot. See Spot run. Hi Spot. Welcome.

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