Fixing HTML on legacy texts

Sorry about the delayed response, let me go through these.

Okay, cool. As noted in our meeting, revising the text pages is the next step for Hongda. I have focused on the segmented texts, but the legacy texts are included as well. When Hongda is ready to start working on this, we should get him to use this branch.

We should probably assume <i> = <i lang="pli"> unless otherwise defined. It won’t have a practical implication immediately, but I am still looking at, for example, a terminology dictionary where this would be useful.

great, thanks.

Indeed, let’s scrap it.



Great, and difficult cases are noted. We should ensure that these cases at least display reasonably sanely, but if the system is a bit wonky, never mind.

Does this need a class? There will only ever be one footer in a sutta. “Footer in a sutta” :laughing:

Will individual suttas in such cases have IDs?

To make sure we’re on the same page, and include @blake in this, there are two cases:

  • Where a vagga-sutta has no individual suttas, use the range for ID only.
  • Where a vagga-sutta includes individual suttas, use the range for the file ID, but sutta IDs internally.

I made a list of these debakable texts.

I will take a look at the sutta segments and ensure they are all correct.

Note similar issues are encountered in the Vinaya Sekhiyas and Adhikaranasamathas, and elsewhere, umm, maybe the bhikkhuni patidesaniyas.

In the case of legacy texts, this may well fall into the category of “too messy to fix”, which is fine, but we should be clear about it.

Well, let’s get the HTML finished and live, then we can look at this. Turns out Anders is not looking likely to get this done!

Good to know.

Yeah, not good.

Yes, indeed, we should preserve a proper spec on the wiki.

Best leave it where it is for now, and let’s implement the bilara texts properly, then we can see if there are lessons to be learned for the legacy texts.

One possibility is to create the supertitles dynamically based on bilara-data. Then we could even :dizzy_face: throw a nice little display:none on the hard-coded supertitles in legacy texts and deliver the same supertitles as the segmented texts. :scream: clutches pearls

So sweet, everyone is getting along! :couple_with_heart_woman_man:

The main point, I think, is simply that we use the same naming system as found in the sidebar. For Pali texts, this will be in Pali, in other cases … let’s see!

Okay, in SA we immediately have a problem, the grouping is simply by the hundred suttas. this is purely arbitrary, as the Taisho doesn’t represent the samyuttas properly, and the text is in any case disordered… Actually this should be structured to follow the Samyutta structure, but it seems unlikely that this will happen in the Taisho anyway.

For EA, the sidebar number is just ea2, etc. This is not really useful.

Hmm, well perhaps this is a problem in search of a solution. It is only really in the Pali texts that the hierarchy is both spelled out in detail and acyively used. Why not limit the scope of this to apply only to Pali texts? In any case, these are the only segmented texts, so other cases are purely theoretical for now. Let’s leave it until we create other segmented texts.

Not really, no.

Umm, not sure about this now. The idea is to have a simple way to target all things that are titles, which would include things both inside the <header> and outside. If it is just stuff in the <header> we can simply scope it that way. But if it is to include titles that are included within vagga-suttas then headertitle or whatever doesn’t work.

Maybe we’re overthinking it. Can we just ignore this idea and hope it goes away?
