Formal complaint against Suttacentral for unfair treatment and discrimination

Go to the user profile > activity

Thanks @Peter_Durham
This action is taken instead of a full ban. However it is seen as the ‘equivalent’ just with less view of ‘no redemption’.

We clearly state in the guidelines in which case a ban will be enacted

In this case, the users actions fit.

The reason for this ‘harshness’ is that the moderators job is exceedingly difficult. We all have jobs. We all have other responsibilities. Yet over the last 48 hours we’ve all had to sit here for prolonged periods of time clearing flags, putting out fires, etc. we need to have higher guidelines to appeal to to save our energy and time. For 99.9% of the users here, it will never affect them, because they have the intention of following the guidelines.

I do fully understand your point. Just showing you why we made that decision in case it helps.