Frauwallner’s “Earliest Vinaya”: a scanned pdf to download

Here’s a scanned copy of Frauwallner’s classic study of the Vinaya Skandhaka texts. It is a landmark work in modern academic scholarship of the Vinaya, but is almost unavailable outside a few University libraries.

I made a scanned copy a few years ago. In the last little while I’ve learned how to do OCR on a pdf, so I’ve made a searchable version for my own use. I thought some others might find it handy.

If you’re interested in the history of the early community and the evolution of the early texts, you really should read it, at least the opening arguments. Much of his work has never been bettered, and it is still a standard reference in the field.

frauwallner_earliestvinaya.pdf (78.8 MB)


That’s wonderful venerable. This will be very helpful for my study of vinaya, so anumodami :anjal:

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This is an old topic, but if anyone’s interested I came across a slightly better formatted version of the same book here

There are two PDF versions available for download. The “PDF with text” version is searchable as well. This is the direct link.

Am not uploading it here since it is 12.4MB in size, but I can do that if anyone has trouble accessing the links above. Hope this helps.