Free online resources?

Do you know if any of the following are freely available online or PDF?

Encyclopedia of Indian Religions, A. Sharma
Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, J. Silk
Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, W.G. Weeraratne
Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, A.L.C. Runehov & L. Oviedo
Oxford Bibliographies in Buddhism, R. Payne et al

With gratitude

Venerable Anālayo’s contributions to the Encyclopaedia of Buddhism (Weeraratne) are freely available for download here.


Thank you, but only some have a PDF link. I’d like to read many other entries.

With gratitude

These PDF links include whole books.

Hmmm…I didn’t see a link to the entire book. I see that on Analayo’s list, each Encyclopedia of Buddhism entry has a PDF link to that specific entry. The other encyclopedias don’t have PDF links. It’s Ok, I don’t think any are available unless purchased. For instance, Brill’s has six volumes at $300 USD each, so I imagine they don’t allow PDF’s of entries out there!

Thank you!