German blurbs for Jataka stories complete

Alternatively one might use the Jātaka entries in Malalasekera’s Dictionary of Pali Proper Names. Some would need truncating, but most are already just a paragraph or two:

Abhiṇha Jātaka (No.27)

The story of a dog and an elephant who grew up to be great friends and became indispensable to each other. The dog used to amuse himself by swinging backwards and forwards on the elephant’s trunk. One day the merchant sold the dog. The elephant went off his food and would not be consoled until the dog was brought back.

The story was told in reference to two monks of Sāvatthi who were very intimate with one another and spent all their time together. J.i.189 f.

Ādiccupaṭṭhāna Jātaka (No.175)

The story of a monkey who used to visit the hermitage of some ascetics whose leader was the Bodhisatta; when they were away in the village, he upset everything he could lay hands on, and did much damage generally. When the ascetics were about to return from the village to the hermitage after the rainy season, the people brought them various foods, and the monkey, thinking to get some for himself, stood outside their hut worshipping the sun. The people, impressed by the monkey’s holy demeanour, started praising his virtues, whereupon the Bodhisatta revealed to them his true character (J.ii.72‑3).

The story was related concerning a rogue.