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Join Us in Bringing English Translations of the Sutta and Vinaya Pitaka to All Monastic Education Centre Libraries in Sri Lanka!

SuttaCentral is honoured to fulfil a request from the Monastic Education Unit in Sri Lanka by providing a comprehensive set of the Sutta and the Vinaya Pitaka from the Pali Canon, spanning 28 volumes, meticulously translated into Modern English by erudite Bhikkhus Sujato and Brahmali.

This invaluable collection will be distributed to the libraries of all Pirivena and Seela Matha Centers (around 900) across Sri Lanka, enriching the spiritual education of countless monks and nuns.
We invite you to join us in this noble endeavour by sponsoring a set of these books. Your generous contribution will help preserve and propagate the timeless wisdom of the Buddha, fostering spiritual growth and understanding throughout the monastic community. Together, we can profoundly impact the future of Buddhist education in Sri Lanka.

Sponsor a set of books today and participate in this meaningful mission.
Click here to sponsor a set of books today