GoldenDict with Dictionaries Pali and Sanskrit Pre-Installed

Bhante Ānanadajoti just announced a single zip download of the GoldenDict software with the DPD and a bunch of other dictionaries pre-installed.

It’s only for Windows.


Wow, this is great :blush: Thank you for the FYI!

On a related note :face_with_head_bandage: I realize the mac ios version is no longer supported on the github site because I think the volunteer(s) had to resign. It is possible to install the github-hosted files on a mac and get DPD to work but it takes some workarounds that are beyond the average user. Honestly, a big impediment for people using newer PCs is that Microsoft is forcing all saved files to the cloud, out of the box. (Presumably so they can get people to buy more cloud storage.) Most people don’t realize this and don’t know how to change the devious Windows setting (Microsoft made it challenging to even figure out how). DPD has to install locally. Anyway…

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Thanks for letting me know about this.

I maintain my own version of DPD and I periodically sync from the main repository because I make some changes to the dictionary. I haven’t updated my dictionary for months because I have been very busy this year - I started by teaching a masters course at university at the request of a friend, but now they decided they want to assign me more courses, so this trimester I am teaching 4 courses and marking over 100 assignments.

But when I get some time later this I can bundle a version of the dictionary for MacOS on my site.

One of the things I have been considering is creating an NLP toolset for Pali to do things like POS tagging and lemmatisation, based on existing toolsets such as NLTK or spaCy. This would be a prelude to creating a version of DPD that is based on classical Pali grammar (Kaccāyana) rather than modern Pali grammar.

However, I am also aware I am approaching the end of the runway in this life, so this may be an unachievable goal. I also want to create a Second Brain (a la Zettelkasten) of the Buddha’s teachings in Pali, so I need to decide whether doing more Pali analysis is a necessary prerequisite or a side step.


Perhaps I am misunderstanding the situation, but I just went to the DPD website and the MacOS version is still available:

I just installed it following the instructions on my MacBook, and it seems to be working.

If you want to use all the dictionaries bundled in Bhante Ānanadajoti’s download, just unzip the download file and copy the ‘content’ folder to wherever you store the dictionaries (in my case, ~/Dictionaries)

I just searched for the word “dukkha” in my new installation:

And those who want to run the original version of GoldenDict (rather than NG which seems to be more actively developed and recommended by DPD) it can be installed from here (I haven’t tried):

Could be. This post is about a single zip bundle for Windows that includes many different dictionaries.

Nothing to do with Mac. That’s just kind of confusing everything. The only reason Mac was brought up is that some of the dictionaries in the Windows zip seem to only be available there (like DoP) so people were talking about how to use those on other platforms.

Currently the DPD uses javascript not supported in the old version of GoldenDict that you linked to. So we shouldn’t be encouraging people to use that unless they are having a problem with the NG (next generation) version.

Interesting. The last commit on the GoldenDict GitHub repo was a few days ago, and the version in the rep I linked to is dated May 2024, so not quite sure what you mean by “old”.

I did mention that GoldenDict (not NG) is no longer recommended by DPD. I would avoid it (which is why I did say I didn’t try installing it). But it is there if for some reason someone prefers it, for whatever reason.

I am concerned if new versions of DPD dictionary files have javascript embedded, as that can pose a security risk.

I guess this means in the longer term I should probably avoid DPD and roll my own dictionary based on the database. I am already doing that anyway, but I haven’t updated my version in months so unaware of all the recent changes.