Has the enlightened one ever preached on the 'importance of seeing the weakness in ourself?'

Sometimes I think about where to start changing myself, in the end I realize to see the weaknesses in myself. Because no matter how many suttas I read, it will be useless if I am unable to change my weakness.

Not to sound lame, but it seems to be more about developing something not previously developed, rather than dwelling on what is undeveloped. Although, going forward - if someone is very serious about making strides - they should keep close a workable ā€œsense of shameā€ and ā€œfear of wrongdoingā€, which can serve as a form of protection in addition to what they may have built up as a result of devotion, generosity, and virtue (precepts). All in all, that sense of shame is there to prevent a breach of a valued limitation, so excessive dwelling upon transgressions may not necessarily be productive.

Iā€™m not saying, ā€œEverything in moderationā€, as much as Iā€™m suggesting using that shame where it is useful and not to lament excessively about an inability to make strides. In general, if someone is having trouble developing the precepts, it may simply be on account of a lack of clear intentions about why they are practicing. Perhaps also a lack of faith. Remember, ā€œweaknessā€ has a support, and it may come down to something as simple as that support being a lack of strength. Develop strength, weakness will deteriorate.


" This widespread harmful influence of the five hindrances shows the urgent necessity of breaking down their power by constant effort. One should not believe it sufficient to turn oneā€™s attention to the hindrances only at the moment when one sits down for meditation. Such last-minute effort in suppressing the hindrances will rarely be successful unless helped by previous endeavor during oneā€™s ordinary life.

One who earnestly aspires to the unshakable deliverance of the mind should, therefore, select a definite ā€œworking-groundā€ of a direct and practical import: a kammatthana[1] in its widest sense, on which the structure of his entire life should be based. Holding fast to that ā€œworking-ground,ā€ never losing sight of it for long, even this alone will be a considerable and encouraging progress in the control and development of the mind, because in that way the directive and purposive energies of mind will be strengthened considerably. One who has chosen the conquest of the five hindrances for a ā€œworking-groundā€ should examine which of the five are strongest in oneā€™s personal case."



Thanks all for keeping the conversation general.


Whoever has faith, a conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom when it comes to skillful qualities can expect growth, not decline, in skillful qualities.
~ AN 10.67


If by weakness you mean shortcomings in general, then thatā€™s one of the main things the Buddha talked about. Specifically MN 5 Anaį¹…gaį¹‡a and MN 8 Sallekha.

And some moreā€¦

self reflection

reviewing (paccavekkhaį¹‡Ä)