Hearing sounds in samādhi, jhāna

You seem to have forgotten SN 22.7 and 8.

Evaṃ kho, bhikkhave, anupā­dā­apari­tassanā hotī”ti.

The view not clung to in SN 22.8 is also reported in SN 24.2. The Stream Winner is identified as the person who does not cling as such.

You’re still labouring under the misconception that the term anupādiyaṃ means “without clinging whatsoever”. Yet, SN 22.8 read with SN 24.2 clearly identifies the Stream Winner who is non-agitated on account of not-clinging.

If this is owing to DN 15’s reference to the world, what is the world but the 5 Aggregates in brief (= Suffering : SN 12 44).