Helping out with server development

yes, maybe. I find that it’s really brittle, it often doesn’t work when I try to set things up.

Is there a way I can test this or debug it?


Yes, it all looks fine.

Huh…without doing something like an online meeting and troubleshooting this together, I’m not sure if there’s much help I can offer. I’m sitting in a cafe at the moment waiting for my doctor’s appoint, which starts in about 20 minutes. If you want to set up a meeting later, I’m happy to help you. It’s about 9:10 AM here in Sweden now. I’ll be available this evening to help, if you want.

Regarding Python virtual environments, I use pyenv (GitHub - pyenv/pyenv: Simple Python version management) to handle all of that. I don’t know if you want to deal with learning that right now, but it isn’t too difficult to use. The README on their GitHub needs updating, but this tutorial has good info Managing Multiple Python Versions With pyenv – Real Python.

Lol, no worries, hope everything goes well for your appointment! I’ll play around a bit and see if I can solve it.

Bhante, maybe you’re calling the script from the wrong directory. You need to be in the top level directory (sc-renumber-segments) for the script to be able to find the bilara-data repo. The paths are hard coded.

I just tried calling the script from inside the bilara-data repo, passing the path to the example_config.yaml as …/example_config.yaml and I got output like yours.

By the way, we should also rename the repo. It should be text-integrity-checks or something like that

I agree, it should be renamed.

It’s early evening here. If you haven’t been able to get the program to work, we can take a look at it together, if you want. Just let me know. I’ll be up for 3 or 4 more hours.

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Just wanted to check in with a progress report of sorts. I spent more time this weekend familiarizing myself with the sc-renumber-segments code. Progress is a bit slow since after coding all day at work I get massive eye strain if I then start looking at any of the SuttaCentral code. So, that just leaves the weekends.

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