Homeless fellow humans having a bad karma issue?

:+1: :sun_with_face:

The Buddha didnā€™t teach fatalism.

I canā€™t really elaborate much right now. I am too tired and am actually hoping to get to sleep soon. But just a few words.

The Buddha did certainly act out of compassion and help others. There is this famous example where he and Ananda wash a sick monk who is lying in his feces.

But at the same time the Buddha also says that there will never be any perfection in this world. So what we have to find is a balance that avoids indifference on one hand and unrealistic expectations about oneā€™s own power on the other hand.

This kind of action is always described as negative in the canon.

And now I have to goā€¦ :sleeping_bed: :first_quarter_moon_with_face: