How does one find/download/use Pali fonts for PC.. Dummies level

Great. All of the Windows ClearType fonts cover the Pali letters. Cambria, Calibri, Consolas etc.

To test a font, just copy this text into MS Word or whatever you use and set it to a font:

ĀA āa ĪI īi ŪU ūu ṄN ṅn ṬT ṭt ḌD ḍd ṆN ṇn ÑN ñn ḶL ḷl Ṁm ṁm

Now, Windows will try to be helpful and actually substitute in letters that are missing from a font. That’s why I included the non-Pali letters next to the Pali ones. Especially look at āa and ṭt to see if other than the diacritics they look identical.

For example,

This is Infini. You can see how the Āā are the same but the ṆN are different. That’s because Windows doesn’t want to display nothing if the letters are missing. And this is the best attempt it can make at substituting. So if you care about how it looks, you need to pick another font.

If you are looking for a way to type them, then checkout the small program you can download from this page: