How does the new format work?

re: srceenshots – screen or window capture as graphic image…

(apparently Gene figured it out, but here’s general info maybe for others)

On PC-type computers, the “prt sc” (presumably “print screen”) key, usually in the top row towards the right side.

Hitting this key copies (captures) a bitmap graphic image of the whole screen into the cut-copy-paste buffer, which can be then pasted into, for example, a MS Word .doc file as a “picture”.
Hitting prt sc with the ALT key down copies the contents of only the window that has current focus (active, where the cursor is usually).

On Apple / iMac type computers, there’s a utility called “GRAB” that’s similar.

The way I use it: After its icon is clicked, select the function “Capture” from the system menu, or use shortcut key combo COMMAND+SHIFT+A, where one then puts the cursor at the upper-left-hand corner of the area to capture, holds the mouse button down and drags the cursor to the opposite corner (lower-left when draging right and down); releasing the mouse button then “captures” that rectangle of bits; then COMMAND+S opens a window showing that graphic, which can be saved to a file – of type “.TIFF” (“Tagged Image File Format”). TIFF is an Adobe convention used lots in printing apps. To convert to bitmap or .jpg or whatnot takes some futzing around but is doable.

btw (from another post) thanks for the CTRL-F info to search the whole thread and not just the JIT (just in time) loaded portion. In lieu of knowing that, I’ve downloaded whole threads (COMMAND or CONTROL-P on iMac) and then searched that file.


Thanks for all the valueble info @cjmacie! :slight_smile: