How Faith leads to Stream Entry | Ajahn Brahmali @KBV Jan 2023

Very inspiring teaching Ajahn


The title is misleading. These are the factors leading to stream entry:

β€œAssociation with people of integrity is a factor for stream-entry. Listening to the true Dhamma is a factor for stream-entry. Appropriate attention is a factor for stream-entry. Practice in accordance with the Dhamma is a factor for stream-entry.”

β€” Samyutta Nikaya 55.5

Aaaah, my favorite topic from one of my all-time favorite teachers! Thank you so much for sharing.
Sadhu sadhu sadhu :white_heart::pray:


A great talk and some great questions at the end.

Ajahn often sounds really inspired in his talks, and here he actually says that he likes giving Dhamma talks because he finds they inspire himself. :pray: