How much karma (actual question this time) (sort-of*)

Jezus Christ. Just forget about it. I thought it’s something like 5 years in jail for false rape accusations or some monstruous stuff ruining that guy life. I didn’t understand how a guy like you could do that.

Since the topic is in lack of bad kammic stories, I’m gona post 2 stories from highschool to make you feel better about yourself. One of them regarding me, the other regarding a guy who did it to me. In both of them there was fast working kamma : D We’re lacking mobster related stories on buddhist forums anyway :)))

I grew up in the best neighbourhood of my city, yet somehow that was the most mobster neighbourghood of all and the city itself is most mobster in the country, nicknamed “little sicily”. Mob here is italian style, not mindless brutes, but still there is some violence due to the environment. “We are producs of our environemnt” as is written on jails in my country.

I was always a great guy and never did something unfair or pick on somebody, I always just reacted. But I was very vicious and never forgive a guy. Every time I had a problem I made sure I get the guy fixed.

It was only one time that something unfair happened. In 12 grade highschool, a guy gave me a slap and I managed to stalk him and catch him with a high level money-recoverer that had some mental problems that made him extremelly violent. I told the guy to only give him a slap or a pounch but he beat the hell out of him. Not the mention it happened in the middle of the city with 100 witnesses, 5 of them being girls from his classrom and the guy dad was a general in the police. That wasn’t that big of a problem, I could get away with legal problems and nobody goes to the police if they don’t get in hospital around here, but the guy was a decent guy as a person and he only gave me a slap. So I phoned and apologized to the him right after the incident and told him it wasn’t my fault, that is wasn’t fair and I never do unfair things, etc. and he understood and we got friends right after.

The thing is, I eventually got in problems with that same crazy guy that beat him up. An enemy of mine, the most evil guy from the block that always caused me problems ever since little, a terrible guy, got friends with the money-recoverer that helped me and started telling him and all the mob in the neighbourhood that I got super rich overnight, the he always sees me at the hotel, always sees me with 2 hookers at the same time in rented cars, etc. all kind of stupid stories like that to get me in troubles with the mob. (I was an online poker player so you nobody could really know how much I made). This of course got me into huge problems and there was some big trembeling over there. I eventually fixed the problems without paying any money. It was quite a big, big problem at the time, I don’t wish it to anybody, and it was all because of that injustice that I’ve done to that guy.

The evil guy did this cause I had a problem with him a couple of months before. I was waiting for a girl in my classroom to pick me up with a taxi and while waiting, I spoked a ciggarete with him cause I met him on the street. When the girl came, he started beating me up cause he always beat people up when there were girls around to embarras them, I was not the first. So I’ve put an alcoholic ex jail room-chief to beat him up and the guy kept that grudge for me for months.

And now the second, more interesting story: I went to collage in another city for the next 3 month right after getting rid of my problems with the mob, thinking a lot about fixing that evil guy from the block that caused me all these problems. I wanted his car fixed + a big beating. I got everything ready but when I came back, his car wasn’t there. I asked around and I found out that he ended up losing his parents apartment and car to the mob the month after he did that to me. He started borrowing money and didn’t even lose them at the casino or something, he just blew them up on hookers, hotels, rented cars, drugs, etc. - all the things he lied about me doing. Eventually he got in jail for stealing 150$ from an old lady in a supermaket just 1 more month after. The guy lost everything. And he was a perfect grade student at medicine, his dad was a doctor, he was at the best highschool in the city out of 32 highschools. (the highschool is determined by grades at a 8th grade exam here) Not only did he lose everything but he also got banned from the neighbourghood by the mob but he moved to another city anyway. The guy also payed 3 times more money than he borrowed for just 2 months of fun, very high interest rate.

When he lost his apartment and got banned from the neighbourhood by the mob, I couldn’be more happy. But when he got in jail, I sware I actually felt bad for him cause that was a little too much for a perfect grade student. I got friends even with this guy 1 month after cause already there was no point staying angry at him since it ended up bad for him. He got friends with those mob guys in the first place at least partially because of that well deserved beating from the jail room-chief that he got.

The good thing about people here is that we never keep a grudge. English are known for being very grudgefull.

Grudge-free. I have friends and family in the UK whom I have not spoken to for ten years over a small argument some drunken evening, the reason for which I cannot remember. But here in Romania, you can have a shout at your friends, girlfriend, boyfriend and colleagues, with a preposterous level of personal abuse and the next day, no one cares. The past is a joke. No one holds a grudge.
What I like about Romanians, what I don’t like about Romanians | Michael Bird Writer & Journalist