How much negative karma have I accrued?

Hi Coemgenu

:grin: :joy: :laughing:

So I know you’re kidding around here… :wink: And I applaud your humour :clap:t6: :clap:t6: :clap:t6: and also thank you for it. :sunglasses: And I’m also taking my hat off to your translation because I wouldn’t really know where to even begin with such an endeavour!

But I hope you don’t mind if I take your translation, and your question, as inspiration. I would like to link to another topic here and attempt to answer your question as if it were serious! You have got me reflecting on something that I normally process implicitly and I want to give you credit for being the one to stimulate a more explicit verbal response! Also, I think, even though you have asked in jest, this is a question asked by many and so perhaps it might be nice to try to share my current answer to it. :slight_smile:

With many thanks and much metta :heartpulse:

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