Reflecting on Rebirth: An Understanding That Can Go Beyond Faith and Theory

I am being a bit cheeky and answering, with some seriousness, a question that I think was asked in jest! I ask @Coemgenu’s forgiveness and also thank him for his amusing question and his translation work here.

So, to be extra clear, this is taken out of context, but Coemgenu asked:

So here’s my serious answer to a funny question, which I’ve openly taken out of context!

If you’ll forgive me for saying so, I think the question is not a useful one.

I think teachings like this are there to give us a sense of the scope (therefore to motivate us) of the problem and a sense of an aspect of the process that is “us” (therefore to give us a bit of insight to help direct our efforts).

For me, I’m finding my current reflective understanding of Dependent Origination (spanning over more than one life), Anatta and Kamma actually lends itself to a deeper, and more actual, letting go of guilt and blame towards myself or others.

Of course, it’s not perfect, but it’s like this new way of Viewing things is challenging the old way and it’s, well, liberating. I feel more understanding (because of the teaching on conditionality) and more forgiving (because of the teaching on anatta) and more patient and kind with myself and others (because of the teachings on kamma and rebirth seen in conjunction with anatta - which I suppose is a major part of 3 life DO).

Anyway, I don’t think you need to do any Hail Mayas or any kind of penance. This isn’t Buddhism as I understand it. Instead it’s about getting a sense of the bigger picture and allowing it to inform your ability to let go of guilt, fear and any other unwholesome, unhelpful states that may arise.

Anatta seen through the lens of Right View (as I currently see it) shows us, as Aoife said in her thread: It was not my fault!.

So, this is another way in which an open acceptance of Rebirth has impacted me. I know in my own mind that this is the case: I can see the mental process in my internal world. I can also see the impact in my external world where I relate to others and also in how I approach situations and stress etc. I can see how it has influenced my ability to let go of the past, of guilt and blame, shame and anxiety. Yes, of course it’s still a work in progress but I feel I’ve a sense of how to direct myself that is of practical, real and felt (on the level of vedana) benefit to myself and others and that this direction flows from how I’m approaching Right View.

This helps me to feel more relaxed and this makes it easier to be kinder, more restrained in speech more often, more confident in myself, more tolerant and armed with a higher sense of self-esteem. Yes, these are all also works in progress - but it’s nice to see and feel these improvements in Sila too. All this makes me feel confident that I’m going in the right direction.

Thank you again for the inspiration and good humour Coemgenu! :heartpulse::pray:t6: