How to see rebirth

Just a question. How do you see rebirth in everyday life? Are there suttas that connect daily life to rebirth?

I think of it like the earth turning, plants growing, dying, and grow again. Cycle of life. I can see that with our physical body but our mind?


Although they are confined to cycles and to impermanence, the Earth and plants donā€™t get reborn (plants donā€™t have consciousness or kamma).

If one understands the validity of rebirth, it affects choices in this life, as even after one dies, there are positive or negative results/consequences from those actions.

When still, make a question in the mind like: I wonder what my next thought going to be ā€¦


We are not the people we were when we were 7 year old. We had a very different personality back then, and for all intensive purposes, we were different people from who we are now.

This means that gradually things changed -and we turned into someone elseā€¦ However we stayed within the same general ā€˜streamā€™ of physical and mental ā€˜turnoverā€™. This of course can only mean that we are changing from one person to the next moment to moment -if we breakdown the sequence of change, into ever microscopic portions. It then becomes clear that there cannot be a Self wandering through these string of sequences and that we ā€˜inventedā€™ a Self to get a handle on a rapidly changing and complex phenomena [needless to say we liked it enough to call it our Self, and hang around]. So in some ways there is birth, change and death in every moment. However that is not to say change of the rebirth kind isnā€™t present or wasnā€™t mentioned in the EBTs. It abundantly was, as was arising and passing away of the aggregates [that which we mistakenly consider to be Self]. In any case, this is my view on thisā€¦

with metta

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The application of rebirth to every moment (or to oneself) is a Mahāyāna concept. The arising and passing away of all phenomena is based on the characteristic of impermanence (annica) and not on rebirth (jāti). Although, you can see it this way; itā€™s not wrong per se.

Interesting. I thought it was a EBT concept. What is the difference between rebirth and impermanence in the EBTs?

For a moment -to -moment approach to rebirth, I recommend reading the section ā€œDependent Origination - the Source Codeā€ in Ajahn Amaroā€™s " Theravada Buddhism in a Nutshell":

Hereā€™s an excerpt from the section ā€œEscape from the cycle of birth & deathā€

This cycle of rebirth is what was illustrated in that last story: my being born into my negativity and then being shown that there really wasnā€™t anything to be negative about. The other monk was born into his chocolate Ć©clair. We get born into all kinds of things. Itā€™s not just what happens in the maternity ward. Birth is happening many, many times a day. We can look at it on an external, physical level, but more directly we can see over and over the whole process on a psychological level.


Rebirth compels with the promise that ā€œthis time Iā€™ll be bulletproof.ā€

But the only way to be bulletproof is to let go of the craving. Did your foot tap to this song? :thinking: Ouch! :grinning:

Relishing is the root of suffering. mn1/en/sujato

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