If there is no more rebirth for arhat, why did Buddha give prediction to arhats in Lotus Sutra?

In Lotus Sutra Buddha gave prediction of Buddhahood even to arhats, how is that possible?

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Buddhas do not take birth, they are not in the realm of Samsara or the Saha world. They come here in Enlightened Emanation Bodies.

Remember me, brahmin, as a Buddha.

I could have been reborn as a god,
or as a fairy flying through the sky.
I could have become a native spirit,
or returned as a human.
But the defilements that could bring about these rebirths
Iā€™ve ended, smashed, and gutted.

Like a graceful lotus,
to which water does not cling,
the world doesnā€™t cling to me,
and so, brahmin, I am a Buddha.ā€

-AN 4.36 Sujato.


And also let me directly answer your question bases on what you ask, Arhats can be reborn if they want to be, until they become Buddhas or have accomplished their Spiritual Objectives. However, becoming a Buddha doesnā€™t require one to be reborn, full Enlightenment can come in the Stream of Nibbana, when the Arhat is not in the Saha World but in Nibbana. There are activities there as well, however they are Anatta, non-Self, and in the perfect Sunyatic Realization of Nibbana. It is so precious, however, to share the gift of the Dharma that is why the Buddhas and Arhats are still interacting with this world, like the Lotus untouched by the mud, they are Sage Lords.

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Please note thatā€¦ā€¦

While we welcome users to occasionally discuss different topics from the various Buddhist schools of thought, please use the Watercooler category to do so (which is where I am moving this topic)


From the Theravāda perspective, it isnā€™t.

The Lotus Sutra is a late apocrypha which attempted to unite the Arahant and Bodhisattva Paths (among other agendas).


Thank you venerable sir for your answer. :slight_smile: :pray:

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Check out this poem from the back of a BDK Book:

Monks, there is one person whose birth into the world is for the welfare of many, for the happiness of many: who is born out of compassion for the world, for the profit, welfare and happiness of heavenly beings and mankind. Who is that person? It is a Tathagata who is an Arahat, a fully Enlightened One. This, monks, is that one person.

Monks, the manifestation of one person is hard to find in the world. Of what person? Of a Tathagata who is an Arahat, a fully Enlightened One. He is the one person. Monks, hard to be found in the world is that one extraordinary person. What person? A Tathagata who is an Arahat, a fully Enlightened One. He is the one person.

Monks, the death of one person is to be regretted by all. Of what person? Of a Tathagata who is an Arahat, a fully Enlightened One. He is the one person.

Monks, there is one person born into the world who is incomparable and unequalled. Who is that person? It is a Tathagata who is an Arahat, a fully Enlightened One. He is the one person.

Monks, the manifestation of one person is the manifestation of a mighty eye, a mighty light, a mighty radiance. Of what person? Of a Tathagata who is an Arahat, a fully Enlightened One. He is the one person. (Anguttara Nikaya I-13).