Illustration of cosmological objects (with help of AN 3.80)

If you can list the similarities and differences. I will be really glad to see that. I research that topic extensively. And I can drawn this conclusion:

“Don’t mix it with Hinduism cosmology, as there are some similarities - there are many differences and wrong information. This is not bringing any merit to help us to understand Theravada cosmology - it will just it make the common reader more confused.”

The point of the sutta is drawn pictures of the word system…and groups of world system, not to focus on individual celestial realms… there are better Suttas out there which go extensively in this topic. This is not the point of this post.

Maybe later I can post complete cosmological map including celestial realms, rupa / arupa Brahma realms. But I’m not satisfied with my research. Samadhi will be definitely a big advantage with this kind research. :sweat_smile: :zipper_mouth_face:

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