In what way does a 'Buddhism of the Early Buddhist Texts' exist yet?

In what way does a ‘Buddhism of the Early Buddhist Texts’ exist yet?

See: in what way does a ‘Buddhism of the Early Buddhist Texts’ exist yet?

It is already:

a TOPIC held in mind in analysing Buddhist texts. See "how Theravada differs from Early Buddhism’

an APPROACH TO PRACTICE. See ‘a swift pair of messengers’.

A CHANGE IN SOCIAL BEHAVIOR. See ‘Bhikkhuni Vinaya Studies’,

But is this 'distinction in outlook REFLECTED IN SOCIAL INSTITUTION,

like a Sangha or Self Identified Group of thinkers, like the DADA movement or the Green Party and Movement?

I am maybe waiting for bus that will never come.

@Dougsmith has an account here, he usually is very happy to answer any questions, also on his social media accounts.

What he means by “early Buddhism” is probably the current EBT movement led by the very creators of this forum. For a scholarly overview of historical early Buddhist schools, check Wikipedia


EBT Buddhism (Buddhism of EBTs) or an EBT follower/monk is about early Buddhism based on EBTs.

Earliest use of the English phrase “early Buddhism” to refer to both Pali and Chinese early Buddhist texts is:

Choong Mun-keat. The Notion of Emptiness in Early Buddhism (1995; second revised edition, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1999). … sm/33436/3